After I had been meditating for some time, I was very committed to it. And I was also very impatient, and I asked Fr John once, ‘How can I speed this up? I’m not really getting there yet.’ I’d had of course, like we all do, some moments or some experiences which are encouraging appearances of, if you like, temporary enlightenment, but they would pass. (…) The sort of temporary enlightenment experiences made me want more, and want it now, and I don’t want to have to go through the cycle anymore. And what was wonderful about him (John Main) as a teacher, was that he didn’t say, ‘Don’t be an idiot!’ He was very understanding and tolerant and could see, I suppose, that behind this was a deep desire to make the journey, but I was still thinking that the journey had a final destination, or a concrete achievement. But he did help me to see, by engaging with what I was sharing with him, that the speed of the journey varies from person to person, and it depends upon our commitment to the practice, most of all.
It depends upon our commitment to the practice
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