Experience of integration
The experience of meditation is the experience of integration and wholeness. In the Christian tradition it’s called the ‘prayer of
Watch over 300 hours of talks, retreats, led meditations and major events, with new titles added every month.
Start your 7 day free trial. Cancel anytime.
+ 300 hours of recordings, including past events, retreats, seminars, meditations, and more. New titles added every month.
Watch content by leading experts from a variety of fields including health, social justice, politics, interfaith
Support WCCM, with your monthly subscription, in expanding its mission to spread meditation to the world
With Rowan Wiliams
The experience of meditation is the experience of integration and wholeness. In the Christian tradition it’s called the ‘prayer of
WCCM+ is a new video streaming platform that for a small monthly fee will easily allow you to watch a selection of more than 300 hours of recordings of talks, retreats, major events, and more. New titles will be added every month.
Yes, the idea is to provide easier access to our recordings and at the same time give you the opportunity to support WCCM with a monthly subscription.
You will receive a special coupon giving you free unlimited access to WCCM+ content as long as you continue with your monthly contribution and no additional action is necessary. But, if you prefer, you can cancel your original recurring contribution and register directly at wccmplus.org.
You can do a seven-day trial for free and after that the monthly subscription is £9.99, automatically charged to your credit card. You can cancel anytime. This is a special launch fee, available until 1st February 2023.
No, WCCM+ is a curation of our recordings. For very recent events, recordings will be available for at least four months only for those who attended the event, after which the recordings may be accessible through WCCM+. For online series, videos will be available only after the series is completed. We also may decide to transform some of the recordings into online courses, instead of making them available via WCCM+.
WCCM+ doesn’t include online courses. They will continue to have a special section on the WCCM website and be hosted in MyWCCM.
You can still make donations via the WCCM website and in other ways. Check on wccm.org and click on ‘donate’ for more details.
Please, contact us at support@wccm.org