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Events & Retreats

Visit Our Retreat Centre

Bonnevaux Retreat Programme

Our new programme features a variety of retreats – liturgical retreats to support your spiritual journey through prayer, worship, and reflection during Holy Week and Advent led by our spiritual guide Laurence Freeman OSB;  a Deep Silent Retreat to join with others to go to a deeper and simpler place in solitude; retreats for those who’ve just started their personal journey with meditation and retreats to deepen your meditation practice. We will also have a special retreat for the younger meditators which will be an opportunity to reflect on and deepen our self-care so that we can better care for others.  

Join us in the peaceful and beautiful surroundings of Bonnevaux for a unique retreat experience to discover the transformative power of meditation and connect with a community of like-minded meditators. 

Contemplative Eucharist

We offer a weekly live session of Contemplative Eucharist and meditation every Sunday at noontime (French time)

Beholding Divine Beauty Full Series nos available

In 2024 the theme for our online series explored BeautyGoodness and the Act of Creation in all senses, including art, theology and social justice. The sessions have proven popular with many as a way of unifying the year by developing very different aspects of an essential central theme which touches all parts of our personal experience and the challenges of our world at this time.


Welcome to WCCM Academy

A programme of inter-disciplinary study in the context of contemplative practice, WCCM Academy is grounded in the Christian contemplative tradition as passed on through John Main and Laurence Freeman. The next cohort will be led by Rowan Williams, Sarah Bachelard and many more. Starting beginning March 2025.

We are growing as a community of meditators in more than 100 countries, committed to developing a contemplative Christian life for our time and to dialogue between religion, science, business and art, body and mind. At the heart of this community is the meeting of many weekly groups, both physically and online, which introduce the essential teaching of meditation and help to deepen the inner journey. Personal transformation leads then to social and global transformation.

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Video by Roy Buri from Pixabay Image by Alexa from Pixabay
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