Meditation is a journey
Meditation is a journey on which you will uncover deep insights into the life of the spirit manifesting at all levels of your being – physical, emotional and mental. It is a way of wholeness. It is a pilgrimage through the sacred universe of the human person, who is an image of God, through the awakening of self-knowledge. It is a lifelong journey, a daily practice and we are always beginners.
Learning to Meditate in a Group
Connecting with a regular group is a great initial (and on-going) help to getting started and then growing into a regular, life transforming practice. Meditation is simple but when we start we are not simple. That’s why it helps so much to make the journey with others who support us when we waver, inspire us when we become discourage and give us insights through practical wisdom.
Meditating in a group, in person or online, is one of the most effective ways to sustain or recover your practice. You can find a meditation group near you by getting information from your country’s website or contacting the National Coordinator.
Audio Playlist
Online Courses

The Roots of Christian Mysticism: Term 1
An 8-part course on the inner depths of the Christian tradition and its mystical dimensions

The Roots of Christian Mysticism: Term 2
An 8-part course on the inner depths of the Christian tradition and its mystical dimensions

The Roots of Christian Mysticism: Term 3
An 8-part course on the inner depths of the Christian tradition and its mystical dimensions
Further Resources

The Reality of God
These talks present meditation as a way to awaken to the reality and the nearness of God. God is real,

The Ego in Our Spiritual Journey
These talks offer fresh insight on the problem of the ego and the role of asceticism. The ego is a

Map of the Journey
Progress on the spiritual journey, Fr Laurence says, can only be seen in terms of the goal: “Growing in conformity

Meditation and Aging 2016
The WCCM’s 2016 Meditation and Aging Talk Series took place from 19 through 20 Novemeber, in Sydney, Australia.

The Reality of God
These talks present meditation as a way to awaken to the reality and the nearness of God. God is real,

The Ego in Our Spiritual Journey
These talks offer fresh insight on the problem of the ego and the role of asceticism. The ego is a

Map of the Journey
Progress on the spiritual journey, Fr Laurence says, can only be seen in terms of the goal: “Growing in conformity

Meditation and Aging 2016
The WCCM’s 2016 Meditation and Aging Talk Series took place from 19 through 20 Novemeber, in Sydney, Australia.
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