Watch this conversation between Fr Frans de Ridder and Fr Laurence Freeman on Priestly Life and Meditation:
Meditation is for the joy and hope of the world, as John Main OSB himself said:“It is a way of growth because what we are growing into is life itself.”In his book The Heart of Creationhe says:“In the same way that there is only one essential prayer, the prayer of Christ Himself, so there is only one Christian worship, the communion we have through Christ in the Trinitarian love. Each member of the Trinity wholly at the service of the other.”(See Silence and Stillness in Every Season for August 18th.)
That they may all be one…

That the world may believe…
“… the life of the Church communion will become a sign for all the world and a compelling force that will lead persons to faith in Christ: …so that the world may believe that you have sent me. (John 17:21) In such a way communion leads to mission, and mission itself to communion.”(Christifideles Laici31)
“Thus, communion is itself mission, indeed communion begets communion and is essentially a missionary communion.”(Consecrated Life in the Third Millennium – Starting afresh from Christ 33)
- Pope John Paul II in his address to the Bishops of the U.S.A. in 1987:
- Pope Benedict’s visit to the U.K. 2010, in his address to Youth: