The 30th of December is the 42nd anniversary of John Main’s transitus. This word from the monastic tradition describes passing from one state to the next and is used to describe the death of holy ones because it shows that death is not the end. In these four decades John Main’s life in the Spirit has grown and inspired many to hear their own call to holiness especially through the practice of contemplation in the way of meditation.
I invite you to use the resources on this page – to navigate this day in ‘your own experience’ as you feel drawn. Three timed meditation sessions preceded by a short talk by John Main. My recent talk on Fr John’s life, teaching and his importance for our time. Short and poignant testimonials to the influence of John Main on their lives by meditators of different ages and cultures. And five full teachings by John Main, listening to which I hope will bring you closer to the heart-mystery of a great teacher.
Laurence Freeman OSB