
A human friend


“You are my friends if you do what I command you.” He also says “I call you friends because I have made known to you everything I had learned from my Father”, for that is it everything. He, the one who is one with the One; the one who is one with the Father and one with us as a human being—this person has learned a lot about the Father. He is one with the Father and he wants to share it all, to transmit it all into us. So that we will become like him. And that his joy can be in us, as he says. That’s friendship. He calls himself our friend. And this is a radical moment of religious revolution because God is now being described by the Word-made-flesh: God is now being described as a human friend, somebody we can relate to. 

(Homily 5 MAY 2024 by Laurence Freeman OSB )

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