
A very simple way


Meditation is a very simple way in which we can move directly into that holiness of Christ, and it gives depth and meaning and new life to all the other forms of prayer – the Eucharist, the scriptures – all the other forms of prayer that enrich us and also awaken us to our true nature, our beauty, and to the beauty of holiness.
Jesus also tells us that holiness and prayer is not about standing on the street corners looking for people’s admiration. Don’t do your good deeds publicly, he also says, to be admired by others, because you will lose your reward if you’re doing it just for show, just because your ego wants to look good in the eyes of other people. We are all very concerned about the way people see us, about our reputation, our image, what people say about us, of course. But it’s the ego in us that is concerned about that.

Christian Life in the Light of Christian Meditation 2: Holyness by Laurence Freeman OS

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