
Beyond the limitations of our own desires and fears


When we meditate, as we transcend and move beyond the limitations of our own desires and fears, of our ego, of our individuality, we break out of this culture-bound understanding of love only as an erotic, egotistical force that leads to tragedy, to loneliness, to disappointment, to despair even, when it fails, when it dies. We break out of that into a vision of love that is of God, a vision of love that we find in the New Testament, a vision of love that enables us, incredibly, to equate God and love: “God is love.” (1 Jn 4:8) And I think this can only happen through our experience. This is why John Main insists so often that meditation is a way of experience. And it is the experience of love to which meditation leads us, that renews our religious understanding and our spiritual vision.

 (Aspects of Love 1 by Laurence Freeman OSB )

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