
Handling difficult times above all with faith


Loving God could be said to mean being wholeheartedly committed to the journey itself, not complaining unnecessarily about it or discontented because you’re not getting what you want, but embracing everything that life offers you. Learning to meditate is learning how to live. John Main says that when we meditate, we accept the gift of our own being as a whole, as a package. It’s not about cherry-picking the nice happy moments that we put on Facebook to convince everybody that we are totally happy, popular and contented people. But it’s accepting the whole of ourselves, the whole of the mystery of life, which is ultimately unpredictable. These dark times can contain great seeds of light. So the criterion for a good journey, for making the journey of life in a fully human way, is not that it’s always easy, not that we’re always happy, but how we handle the difficult times and how we handle them above all with faith.

(Enlightenment  by Laurence Freeman OSB )

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