
It is love that divinises us


It is love that divinises us. And we learn to love – to love ourselves, to love others — we learn to love by entering into the mystery of relationship. So learning to love ourselves and learning to love others going hand in hand teaches us how to love God. It teaches us who God is, because it is only by loving that we discover who God is. ““Everyone who loves is a child of God and knows God, but the unloving know nothing of God.” (1 Jn4:8) However many wonderful ideas they may have about God, they know nothing of God if they are unloving, for “God is love”. And I think meditation constantly asks us how we still see God; this deepest belief and deepest feeling of our life, that shapes everything we do and everything we are, what kind of state that is in.

(Aspects of Love 3 by Laurence Freeman OSB )

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