
Prayer has to have a priority


Anyone who wants to learn to meditate discovers the need for a discipline and a structure in our life. In Bonnevaux we have a very simple structure, following the wisdom of St Benedict. He divided the day, the 24 hours of the day, into certain basic sections. And in those different sections of the day, he emphasised different aspects of life, prayer being for him the most important. But we’re not praying in that sense 24 hours a day, we have to eat, we have to prepare the food, we have to greet people, we have to do many things. But prayer has to have a priority. Again, that’s very challenging for modern people in a secular world. We don’t think of prayer as a priority in the daily routine, especially if you’re working and you’re working under pressure, under stress; then making time for prayer may seem not the top priority. So that’s something that anyone who starts the journey of meditation is going to have to get to grips with and get used to, the need for structure.

Breakthrough by Laurence Freeman OSB

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