
Simple but not easy

You were told to meditate or advised to meditate twice a day for a minimum of 20 minutes, and that this would over time develop into a practice, into something that would become part of your life and bring benefits and fruits and riches into your life at every level. And then you discover that this very simple way of becoming silent and still, simple way of coming out of our head and entering into the heart is simple but not easy. Why is it not easy? It’s not easy for many reasons. One of them is the fact that we are attached to our stream of thoughts and imagination, and ideas and images. We are very attached to these, and that’s what we think being conscious means. So to let go of these contents of our minds is quite disturbing, and for some people it’s quite frightening – they give up after five minutes. That’s one reason why it’s difficult.

 ( The Brick Wall of the Ego 1 by Laurence Freeman OSB )

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