
The human being fully alive

Photo: Laurence Freeman/Panama

St Irenaeus said, ‘The glory of God is the human being fully alive.’ And the life of the human being, is the vision of God. God is glorified in the human being. And that happens when the human being realises his or her full potential, becomes fully alive through all the experiences that life throws at us, through all the phases and different stages of our lives. And that life that we expand and fulfil is the vision of God, is the knowledge of God, is our interplay with God, eventually is our union with God. So it is a kind of a dance. At first it seems as if you have got two people in the dance, but as the dance really gets going you realise there is only the dance. The dance is the love of God.

 ( Attention and Love 1 by Laurence Freeman OSB )

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