Let’s look at one more example from Luke chapter 21:19, just one verse: ‘By standing firm, you will win true life for yourselves.’ Again, it’s Jesus speaking to the disciples and warning them of the troubles and the ordeals that they and their community, the people will have to go through in the future. But he gives them this radical reassurance, ‘By standing firm, [epimonÃa again, remaining there, persevering] you will win true life for yourselves.’
So if we are practising the contemplative work that allows this phenomenon of faith, this quality of faith to become stronger in us, it will produce a harvest, the fruits of the Spirit, which are manifestations of the life of God. And the manifestation of these fruits of the Spirit is a visible sign of the process of divinisation that is happening in us, has begun to happen here and now in this life. And when we become aware of that, and it will be with a sense of wonder and mystery, maybe uncertainty that we begin to see it at first, but when we begin to see it, we have become conscious of a meaning in our life.