
Ethical Wisdom and Intelligence

Satish Kumar


Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar was the Editor-in-Chief of Resurgence (now with the Ecologist) Magazine for 43 years and was the Founder of Schumacher College in Dartington. At nine years of age, Satish renounced the world and joined the brotherhood of Jain monks. At the age of eighteen, he left the monastic order and became a campaigner working to turn Gandhi’s vision of a peaceful world into reality. He undertook an 8,000-mile peace pilgrimage, walking without any money, to deliver packets of ‘peace tea’ to the leaders of the four nuclear powers. Satish is the author of a number of books, most recently Radical Love. He received the 2022 Goi Peace Prize.

Other Leaders

Dr Tess Lawrie
Dr Tess Lawrie

Dr Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD) is the Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, and EbMCsquared CIC, a non-profit community interest company. Tess worked as an external consultant to the World Health Organisation from 2012 to 2021. Her clinical and research expertise and experience, derived from both developing and developed countries, uniquely positions her to envision a Better Way for Global Health. Tess is a founder member of the World Council for Health, founder of BiRD International and convenor of the Better Way Conference

Inge Relph
Inge Relph

Inge Relph is Executive Director and co – Founder of Global Choices, a USA and UK non for profit working in innovative ways to protect the Global Commons, prioritizing protection of the Central Arctic Ocean sea ice. Female led and genuinely intergenerational, Global Choices mentors a network of 30+ Arctic Angels, wise young climate leaders active in 25 countries, educating on the ice crisis. Known as a thought leader and policy innovator around systems change and global governance, Inge knows a bit about clean tech and climate finance and has advised governments internationally and was Policy Advisor to The Elders during the landmark Paris COP and the SDG agreements. She has an held executive roles in business, founded several international NGO’s and has a passion for climate justice as the most marginalized and the poorest, especially women are the ones needing most help to manage climate change.

ln this round table dialogue, Satish Kumar, for 43 years editor-in-Chief of Resurgence Magazine, along with Dr Tess Lawrie, Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy, and Inge Relph, Executive Director and co – Founder of Global Choices, will explore Ethical Intelligence and the practical implications of a new integrated intelligence.


Dec 12 2024


7:30 pm - 10:00 pm



Conducted via Zoom or live-stream.

ln this round table dialogue, Satish Kumar, for 43 years editor-in-Chief of Resurgence Magazine, along with Dr Tess Lawrie, Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy,  and Inge Relph, Executive Director and co – Founder of Global Choices, will explore Ethical Intelligence and the practical implications of a new integrated intelligence.

Thursday, 12 December
19:30 – 20:00 Meditation (optional)
20:00 – 20:30 Talk by Satish Kumar
20:30 – 20:40 Response by Dr Tess Lawrie
20:40 – 20:50 Response by Inge Relph
20:50 – 21:05 Discussion between Satish Kumar, Dr Tess Lawrie and Inge Relph
21:05 – 21:10 Break
21:10 – 21:55 Q&A
Satish Kumar


Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar was the Editor-in-Chief of Resurgence (now with the Ecologist) Magazine for 43 years and was the Founder of Schumacher College in Dartington. At nine years of age, Satish renounced the world and joined the brotherhood of Jain monks. At the age of eighteen, he left the monastic order and became a campaigner working to turn Gandhi’s vision of a peaceful world into reality. He undertook an 8,000-mile peace pilgrimage, walking without any money, to deliver packets of ‘peace tea’ to the leaders of the four nuclear powers. Satish is the author of a number of books, most recently Radical Love. He received the 2022 Goi Peace Prize.

Other Leaders

Dr Tess Lawrie
Dr Tess Lawrie

Dr Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD) is the Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, and EbMCsquared CIC, a non-profit community interest company. Tess worked as an external consultant to the World Health Organisation from 2012 to 2021. Her clinical and research expertise and experience, derived from both developing and developed countries, uniquely positions her to envision a Better Way for Global Health. Tess is a founder member of the World Council for Health, founder of BiRD International and convenor of the Better Way Conference

Inge Relph
Inge Relph

Inge Relph is Executive Director and co – Founder of Global Choices, a USA and UK non for profit working in innovative ways to protect the Global Commons, prioritizing protection of the Central Arctic Ocean sea ice. Female led and genuinely intergenerational, Global Choices mentors a network of 30+ Arctic Angels, wise young climate leaders active in 25 countries, educating on the ice crisis. Known as a thought leader and policy innovator around systems change and global governance, Inge knows a bit about clean tech and climate finance and has advised governments internationally and was Policy Advisor to The Elders during the landmark Paris COP and the SDG agreements. She has an held executive roles in business, founded several international NGO’s and has a passion for climate justice as the most marginalized and the poorest, especially women are the ones needing most help to manage climate change.

Register for the Full Series

£ 55
  • Opportunity to meditate at the start of each session
  • Time to interact with the speakers
  • Unlimited access to recordings
  • Registration form at bottom of page
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Q&A with the Speakers

In each talk, you will have the opportunity to ask questions to the speaker

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Access to Recordings

By registering, you'll be given access to the talks' recordings

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Meet Fellow Meditators

Whatever the stage of your journey meet fellow meditators with whom to reflect and share your thoughts about this series in a safe environment

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Meditate Together

We offer the opportunity to meditate together at the start of each session

The prices reflect the need to achieve self sufficiency. Therefore if you’re able to give a little more we would be very grateful. If you need a concession please let us know. We do not turn anybody away for lack of resource.

Image by Nienke Burgers on Unsplash

Satish Kumar


Satish Kumar

Satish Kumar was the Editor-in-Chief of Resurgence (now with the Ecologist) Magazine for 43 years and was the Founder of Schumacher College in Dartington. At nine years of age, Satish renounced the world and joined the brotherhood of Jain monks. At the age of eighteen, he left the monastic order and became a campaigner working to turn Gandhi’s vision of a peaceful world into reality. He undertook an 8,000-mile peace pilgrimage, walking without any money, to deliver packets of ‘peace tea’ to the leaders of the four nuclear powers. Satish is the author of a number of books, most recently Radical Love. He received the 2022 Goi Peace Prize.

Other Leaders

Dr Tess Lawrie
Dr Tess Lawrie

Dr Tess Lawrie (MBBCh, PhD) is the Director of the Evidence-based Medicine Consultancy Ltd, and EbMCsquared CIC, a non-profit community interest company. Tess worked as an external consultant to the World Health Organisation from 2012 to 2021. Her clinical and research expertise and experience, derived from both developing and developed countries, uniquely positions her to envision a Better Way for Global Health. Tess is a founder member of the World Council for Health, founder of BiRD International and convenor of the Better Way Conference

Inge Relph
Inge Relph

Inge Relph is Executive Director and co – Founder of Global Choices, a USA and UK non for profit working in innovative ways to protect the Global Commons, prioritizing protection of the Central Arctic Ocean sea ice. Female led and genuinely intergenerational, Global Choices mentors a network of 30+ Arctic Angels, wise young climate leaders active in 25 countries, educating on the ice crisis. Known as a thought leader and policy innovator around systems change and global governance, Inge knows a bit about clean tech and climate finance and has advised governments internationally and was Policy Advisor to The Elders during the landmark Paris COP and the SDG agreements. She has an held executive roles in business, founded several international NGO’s and has a passion for climate justice as the most marginalized and the poorest, especially women are the ones needing most help to manage climate change.

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