This 1-day seminar builds and expands on the one held in October 2020 on meditation as a “Healing Response to Trauma”. Many participants asked for further exploration and discussion on the challenge of trauma-suffering and how a whole-person approach achieves the best healing.
In a contemplative spirit this seminar will highlight the integrated approach needed for dealing with deep and complex long term trauma. The presenters will cover the psychological, physical and spiritual aspects of trauma and of a healing response that restores the survivor to a healthy and vigorous life.
Each presenter believes in the essential unity of these three aspects as well as being able to focus on the elements in which they have acquired expertise and practical experience.
Introducing Healing Trauma; Unblocking the Stream of Life with Dr Greg Fricchione
Register Here
The recordings of the sessions will be available for those who can't join live
Schedule of the Event (French time)
13:00 – 13:10 Introduction by Laurence Freeman
13:10 – 13:25 meditation
13:25 – 14:05 session with Greg Fricchione
>>> break 10 min
14:15 – 14:55 session with Giovanni Felicioni
14:55 – 15:10 Tim Kelly responding
15:10 – 15:45 small groups with themes for discussion
>>> break 50 min
16:35 – 17:15 session with Greg Fricchione
17:15 – 17:55 session with Giovanni Felicioni
>>> break 10 min
18:05 – 18:25 Laurence Freeman responding
18:25 – 18:40 meditation
18:40 – 19:00 dialogue
19:00 – 19:30 Q&A and closure of the seminar