Julian of Norwich (c. 1343 – after 1416) was an English anchoress of the Middle Ages. Her writings, now known as Revelations of Divine Love, are the earliest surviving English-language works attributed to a woman.
Despite the attempts of scholarship to uncover her particulars, “Julian’s life,” wrote Fr Robert Llewelyn, “has passed largely into obscurity, and no doubt this is how she would have wished it. ‘You shall soon forget me,’ she writes, ‘(and do so that I shall not hinder you) and behold Jesus who is teacher of all.'”
What is known about her is her remarkable book, The Revelations of Love, an account of and the fruit of twenty years’ reflection on a series of visions which revealed to Julian the depths of God’s unconditioned love for us in Jesus Christ.
19:30 | Welcome and Meditation |
20:00 | Presentation |
20:50 | Short break |
20:55 | Response and dialogue |
21:15 | Questions and response with audience |

Dr Louise Nelstrop
Louise Nelstrop is the Director of Studies at the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology. She specializes in the English mystics and has recently completed a monograph, Deification and Sacred Eloquence: Richard Rolle and Julian of Norwich (Routledge, 2020). She also recently co-directed an award-winning short film on mysticism and love, ‘Complete Surrender’, which followed five internationally-renowned artists in their engagements with Marguerite Porete and Hadewijch.
Other Leaders

Jane Williams
Jane Williams is the McDonald Professor of Theology at St Mellitus College, a theological college of the Church of England. She is the author of a number of books, including The Art of Christmas (SPCK, 2021) and, most recently, The Sacraments: Responding to God’s Loving Invitation (SPCK York Courses, November 2024).
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Q&A with the Speakers
In each talk, you will have the opportunity to ask questions to the speaker

Access to Recordings
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Meditate Together
We offer the opportunity to meditate together at the start of each session
The prices reflect the need to achieve self sufficiency. Therefore if you’re able to give a little more we would be very grateful. If you need a concession please let us know. We do not turn anybody away for lack of resource.