Hadewijch of Antwerp, largely unknown until the 19th century, has emerged in recent decades as one of the most popular mystics of the Middle Ages. This is entirely right. The mysterious Hadewijch is, indeed, one of the premier mystical authors of the period, astonishing both for her literary skill and the depth of her message about the soul’s love relation to God.
Medio Media, the publishing arm of the WCCM, recently published Andrew’s award-winning translation and commentary of Hadewijch. Harvey calls it a “mystical daybook,” a genre that has become popular in recent decades for day-by-day spiritual reading during the course of the year.
Hadewijch’s teaching touches on almost all aspects of the spiritual life, especially the role of the Trinity and the place of Jesus Christ. What ties her message together into such an impressive whole, however, is what she has to say about Love (minne), the vital force at the heart of God that is poured out on humans through the saving work of the Godman.
never cease in all the endless ages to come’
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