The commandment to “love your neighbor as yourself” lies at the heart of Judaism. Yet it often seems difficult to apply this beautiful and essential teaching in today’s fractured and divisive world. In this talk, we will glean inspiration from the Biblical, Rabbinic, Hasidic, and Kabbalistic sources to guide and empower us in this vital spiritual work.

Rabbi Yoel Glick
Rabbi Yoel Glick is a teacher of Jewish mysticism, one of the pioneers of modern Jewish meditation, and a spiritual mentor who has been guiding seekers on the path for over thirty years. He is the director of Daat Elyon, an online Academy and in-person Center in Jerusalem, Israel that focuses on personal transformation through meditation, the study of mysticism, individual coaching, and the support of spiritual community. Rabbi Yoel teaches in synagogues, ashrams, monasteries, seminaries, and interfaith institutions to students from a multitude of backgrounds in locations across the globe. He is the author of Living the Life of Jewish Meditation: A Comprehensive Guide to Practice and Experience (Jewish Lights), Walking the Path of the Jewish Mystic: How to Expand Your Awareness and Transform Your Life (Jewish Lights) and Seeking the Divine Presence: The Three Pillars of a Jewish Spiritual Life (Trafford).
Register for the Full Series
Register for full series (get 8 talks for the price of 7)
Opportunity to meditate at the start of each session
Time to interact with the speakers
Unlimited access to recordings (single sessions registrations give 1 year access)
Registration form at bottom of page

Q&A with the Speakers
In each talk, you will have the opportunity to ask questions to the speaker

Access to Recordings
By registering, you'll be given access to the talks' recordings

Meet Fellow Meditators
Whatever the stage of your journey meet fellow meditators with whom to reflect and share your thoughts about this series in a safe environment

Meditate Together
We offer the opportunity to meditate together at the start of each session
The prices reflect the need to achieve self sufficiency. Therefore if you’re able to give a little more we would be very grateful. If you need a concession please let us know. We do not turn anybody away for lack of resource.