
“To See a World in a Grain of Sand”

Diane Tolomeo


Diane Tolomeo

Diane Tolomeo lives in Victoria, British Columbia where she is a happily retired professor of English. She holds a PhD in English Literature from Princeton University.

The beauty and goodness of creation can sometimes be forgotten in our daily lives, but the art of poetry can assist us in keeping that awareness alive. This talk will suggest some ways we can learn to look outside of ourselves to participate in a larger creative imagination.


Jul 23 2024


French time
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm



Conducted via Zoom or live-stream.

The beauty and goodness of creation can sometimes be forgotten in our daily lives, but the art of poetry, with its use of metaphor and indirection, can assist us in keeping that awareness alive. Poetic language has the ability to connect our inner and outer worlds in unexpected ways and help us to see with newly opened eyes. This talk will suggest some ways we can learn to look outside of ourselves to participate in a larger creative imagination.

Diane Tolomeo


Diane Tolomeo

Diane Tolomeo lives in Victoria, British Columbia where she is a happily retired professor of English. She holds a PhD in English Literature from Princeton University.

Register for the Full Series

£ 140
  • Register for full series (get 10 talks for the price of 7)
  • All sessions include a led meditation
  • Time to interact with the speakers
  • Unlimited access to recordings
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Q&A with the Speakers

In each talk, you will have the opportunity to ask questions to the speaker

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Access to Recordings

By registering, you'll be given access to the talks' recordings

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Meet Fellow Meditators

Whatever the stage of your journey meet fellow meditators with whom to reflect and share your thoughts about this series in a safe environment

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Meditate Together

We offer the opportunity to meditate together at the start of each session

The prices reflect the need to achieve self sufficiency. Therefore if you’re able to give a little more we would be very grateful. If you need a concession please let us know. We do not turn anybody away for lack of resource.

Photo of sergio medina on Unsplash

Diane Tolomeo


Diane Tolomeo

Diane Tolomeo lives in Victoria, British Columbia where she is a happily retired professor of English. She holds a PhD in English Literature from Princeton University.

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