
Save the Date 2024 Events Programme

John Main Seminar: July 8-14 2024

led by Jason Gordon, Archbishop of Trinidad & Tobago

Established in honour of John Main and to develop his vision and teaching in new fields in dialogue with the modern world, the annual John Main Seminar in 2024 will be led by Jason Gordon Archbishop of Trinidad & Tobago. It will be held in New Harmony, Indiana, United States where in 1991 Bede Griffiths led the same Seminar which became the Pentecost moment of the WCCM.

Charles Jason Gordon & Laurence Freeman
Jason Gordon was introduced to christian meditation during his graduate studies in London in the 1990s where he first met the WCCM. In his ministry he has strongly promoted meditation for children in all schools. As a Patron of the community supported by Sr Ruth Montrichard he has  encouraged it across the Caribbean. He is a Trinidadian and has been Archbishop since his 2017. He is committed to the synodal process and this will inform his contribution to the reflection at Seminar on how the Community can embrace the challenges Christianity faces in the coming era. 

Monte Oliveto Silent Retreat
It Is What It Is: We Are Who We Are

October 6 - 13 2024

led by Laurence Freeman

monte Oliveto maggiore, italy

This year’s Monte Oliveto retreat will be a fuller and deeper invitation into silence.

“There is nothing so much like God as silence”. This mystical truth is proven when we discover that silence allows us to be who we are and God to be who God is.

Each morning Fr Laurence gives a short teaching on this theme which takes on more meaning as your own experience of silence expands. Frequent meditation, a simple eucharist, a short daily meeting with your guide, natural beauty, healthy and delicious Italian food and the friendship of the monastic community beside us – – all these elements support and enrich this week’s experience.

And be prepared to be surprised by how mind, body and feelings can calm and simplify.

We are all of us closer to a calmer and clearer mind than we imagine. A retreat like this, where we support each other in deepening silence, shows us how we can lay aside the busy-ness of the mind to revealing our innate capacity for peace and joy.

WCCM Pilgrimage - October 2024

led by Laurence Freeman

Join Fr Laurence Freeman OSB on a contemplative pilgrimage in sacred places. Travel itinerary will be confirmed soon.  

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World Youth Day 2023 Lisbon

Photo of Monte Oliveto Maggiore, by Andy Hay from Flickr and Andrea D’Angiolo from Flickr

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