
Compassionate Presence – Interfaith Approaches to Palliative Care

The WCCM Meditatio Seminar took place in the Exhibition Hall, Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM), 26 Jalan Universiti, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

The WCCM Meditatio Seminar took place in the Exhibition Hall, Council of Churches Malaysia (CCM), 26 Jalan Universiti, Petaling Jaya, Selangor.

During the seminar, we looked at death and dying from various faith perspectives and particularly from the viewpoint of those who form an integral part of any team engaged in care for the dying – family members, doctors, nurses, counsellors, friends and volunteers. Speakers also addressed the needs of such carers in order to help us to better support our loved ones and ourselves through this hard, demanding, profound time.

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