
A year for WCCM Hong Kong to celebrate its 15th Anniversary

This year was the WCCM Hong Kong 15th Anniversary and the Community had a schedule of activities to celebrate this milestone. Vivian Lee (Special Administrative Region Coordinator) describes how was the special dinner, on 27th of November:

“Many members turned out in force for the 15th Anniversary Dinner, notwithstanding the requirement that 2/3 of the attendees have to have had two Covid shots AND downloaded the government app that tracks what restaurants and public places you go, for ease of contact tracing. Everyone who had been vaccinated had to bring proof in the event of spot inspections by health officials.

We had 7 tables of 12, altogether 84 people coming to have a good time. Props of the words “Silence”, “Stillness”, and “Simplicity” both in English and Chinese were made for picture-taking fun. At mid-dinner WCCM (HK) officers went over to each table to toast and thank the members for coming, and this became an excuse to cheer and make a lot of noise! Never has WCCM (HK) been in such a party mood!”

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