In October of 2016 four “founders” met in Snowmass Colorado to deepen our friendship and to gather and nurture a communion of Christian contemplatives. In order of age, Thomas Keating, Tilden Edwards, Richard Rohr, and Laurence Freeman are united in our commitment to renewing the practices of the Christian contemplative tradition as the centre of all forms of the Christian life. Our communion is open to collaboration with all streams of contemplative prayer and wisdom in response to the urgent social needs of our time, especially the need to recover the contemplative dimension of the Gospel. In the immediate future, we look forward to encouraging dialogue with and among young Christian contemplatives in particular.
Gathering with Thomas Keating, Tilden Edwards, Richard Rohr, and Laurence Freeman
In October of 2016 four “founders” met in Snowmass Colorado to deepen our friendship and to gather and nurture a communion of Christian contemplatives.

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