Hello Everyone!
It seems history has marched on since I wrote these words in February. Corona virus has swept throughout the world with a fury that has tipped our lives upside down and has left us with a great deal of uncertainty. We unite through our meditation and hope that we find ourselves on the other side of this pandemic as soon as possible.
2020 continues to be a year in which the School of Meditation will continue offering many people new opportunities in training and formation that will ultimately mean local communities have the benefit of new teachers and presenters who can share the gift of meditation to existing meditators and also people new to meditation. This is a very important step for WCCM when we see the proliferation of meditation options in both religious and secular settings. Making sure that the essential teaching is offered far and wide will allow WCCM to continue to grow and our meditators to have the opportunity to deepen their practice.
Our most recent program was held in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia where we held our first Formation for Teaching gathering for Asia Pacific participants. The program was delivered with the input from theologian Rev Dr Sarah Bachelard, Kath Houston- Director of Liaison for National Communities, WCCM and myself. The six participants were a very enthusiastic group and quickly became immersed in the program. Over the three days they became a tight knit group who will continue to support each other throughout their year long formation journey.

We were saddened by the inability of Linda Chapman to join the group as she lives in an area of Australia that was severely affected by bushfires and could not travel. Linda wrote a marvellous piece on meditation and the fire of climate crisis. We are delighted that Linda will be able to join us for a Formation for Teaching program later in the year.
Thank you,
Cathy Day, Director- The School of Meditation