Here’s a recap of all important dates for your diary leading into the beginning of Holy Week and culminating in Easter Sunday and the Resurrection.

Holy Week Retreat
Join us online (25 – 31 March) or from Bonnevaux (23 – 31 March) for ‘Sacred Life is Death and Resurrection, WCCM Holy Week Retreat’, led by Fr Laurence Freeman.

Palm Sunday Contemplative Eucharist
This Palm Sunday Contemplative Eucharist will draw meditators and friends from around the world to share the meaning of the sacred.

Easter Vigil
The long silence of Saturday ends with a succession of powerful ancient symbols in the Vigil service which begins with the lighting of the Easter Fire under the Easter Tree in the valley of Bonnevaux.

Easter Sunday Contemplative Eucharist
If you couldn’t come to the Vigil, you will be welcome to celebrate Easter with us at Bonnevaux today and sing the great Alleluia.