An Introduction to Christian Meditation
An Online Course
This course teaches you how to meditate and helps you to establish it as a regular practice. It also tells the story of how meditation was rediscovered within the Christian tradition as a form of contemplative prayer and how it is practiced by many Christians around the world.
The course has 6 Lessons which has 3 topics each. Each lesson has a time for meditation so that the course is experiential and not just theoretical. The text introduces you to the topic with supplementary audio or video material. Going Further gives you practical suggestions to help your practice and self-awareness exercises for the week ahead. There is also some recommended reading. There is also opportunity to contact the Course Tutor who can guide you at any point. The objective of the course is to introduce you to Christian Meditation as taught by John Main OSB and to help you establish it as a daily practice. This is the beginning of a journey – which we hope you will enjoy!
The course has 6 Lessons which has 3 topics each. Each lesson has a time for meditation so that the course is experiential and not just theoretical. The text introduces you to the topic with supplementary audio or video material. Going Further gives you practical suggestions to help your practice and self-awareness exercises for the week ahead. There is also some recommended reading. There is also opportunity to contact the Course Tutor who can guide you at any point. The objective of the course is to introduce you to Christian Meditation as taught by John Main OSB and to help you establish it as a daily practice. This is the beginning of a journey – which we hope you will enjoy!
“The first step in faith is to stop thinking about God at the time of prayer. We have instead to believe – not just mentally but with the whole of our being (that makes belief into faith) that he is with us, and we in him.”
– John Main, OSB
What you will discover in this course:

Lesson 1
What is Christian Meditation?
Meditation is found in many traditions. In this course we look at the Christian contemplative tradition. Here, meditation is called the prayer of the heart and is often referred to as “pure prayer” because it is a prayer without thoughts, words or images.

Lesson 2
Rediscovering the Tradition
In this lesson we will learn how John Main, through his own journey of faith, recovered meditation as a form of prayer in the Christian tradition enabling modern people to make it part of their lives.

Lesson 3
The Christian Path
In this lesson we learn about the roots of meditation in the Christian tradition by going back to the Gospels where we will find the essential elements of Jesus’ teaching on prayer which reveal him as a master and teacher of contemplation.

Lesson 4
Ways of Prayer
In the Christian tradition there is a wonderful richness and variety of forms of prayer. For example: the Eucharist, the other sacraments, petitions, intercessions, charismatic prayer, scripture, devotional prayer. Whatever draws us into the presence of God can be called a form of prayer.

Lesson 5
We meditate to follow the basic call of Jesus which is also the basis of Christian faith – to leave self behind so that we can journey with Christ in his return to the Father in fellowship with humanity and the universe.

Lesson 6
Spiritual Fruits
St Paul says that the fruits of the Spirit are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, fidelity, gentleness and self-control. The fruits of meditation are naturally part of the process of spiritual growth.
“I found it helpful to be validated in my own experience and the emphasis on practice, gentle practice and its associated discipline as being core to Meditation. . it is not a theory to be learnt but a practice to be lived. THANKYOU for the putting together of this, for our use!”
– Geraldine
“I was looking for a short course to recommend and I shall be recommending this.”
– Rodney
“The material and recommendations were excellent and familiar to me as a group leader. I look forward to sharing this with the who will come to our 6 week course. The revised materials and videos are excellent. It is always helpful to read and listen more.”
– Margaret K.
“This course showed me the importance of stillness of the body, and of the theological reflections.”
– Lisa P.
“Just thank you. WCCM making courses/reflections available online has made a difference regarding welcome and inclusion. It guided, with a sense of being accompanied, and gave a point to return to during the weeks of reflection. It gave a fresh perspective/beginning. It pointed towards written/audio resources that were helpful.”
– GT
“It helped me focus on my own meditation by starting each lesson with the practice. I especially liked the video of the meeting with the Dalai Lama, connecting the two spiritual practices for a better understanding of both. Father Laurence Freeman’s description and explanation of meditative practice is very easy to relate with and is encouraging to press on in times of stalemate with one’s practice. Thank you!”
– Sean O.
What’s Included with the Course:

Expand your perspective by engaging in peer discussions around learning objectives, or start your own topic.

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Get access to our vast and ever-growing resource library to supplement your practice at every stage.

The School of Meditation
Senior Teachers of the community have integrated and adapted the teaching as an online course to introduce people to the practice of Christian Meditation.