Meditation & Healthcare
"Healthcare and meditation are both concerned with the giving of attention. Those serving others in healthcare can find the giving of attention either life-giving or exhausting or even self-destructive. Given the current pressures and stresses in the lives of clinicians, new sources of renewal of the healing arts are needed. Meditation is such a source, beginning at a personal, interior level that can be integrated into daily life as a simple, modest yet life-changing discipline. Research on the physical and psychological benefits of meditation is now widely accepted. So, those wishing to learn, not only about meditation but how to make meditation part of their life will benefit most from this programme."
- Laurence Freeman, OSB
With these words. Fr. Laurence introduces the course on Health & Meditation: Healing From The Centre, at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland, in Dublin, which he leads with Dr Barry White.
A WCCM Meditatio Seminar on Mental Health was held in London in 2011. Similar events have been held in many national communities of the WCCM parts of the world.
A programme for teaching meditation to medical practitioners in Australia has been initiated by Dr Peter Smith, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, University of New South Wales.
Doctors, nurses, psychologists, body therapists, all kind of workers from the health field, patients and relatives, have been benefiting and collaborating with the reflection and study on the relationship between meditation and health.
Contemplative Revolution Podcast: Ian McGilchrist — Asymmetry of the Brain and Human Meaning
Almost everything you think you know about differences between the brain hemispheres is wrong. The topic was taken over and
The Nature of Suffering
By Vincent Maire This presentation gives an insight into the nature of suffering and what it means for patients, especially
Health and Meditation Retreat Podcasts Available
Podcasts from a recent Health and Meditation Retreat led by Laurence Freeman OSB with Dr Barry White, are now available.
Healing Silence retreat: recordings are available
All the lectures from Healing Silence — a meditation retreat with healing at its core — are now available online

Contemplative Medicine with Dr Peter Smith
Contemplative Medicine with Dr. Peter J. Smith (Dean-UNSW Medical School and President-Medical Deans of AUS and NZ) at Georgetown University.
Contemplative Revolution Podcast: Ian McGilchrist — Asymmetry of the Brain and Human Meaning
Almost everything you think you know about differences between the brain hemispheres is wrong. The topic was taken over and
The Nature of Suffering
By Vincent Maire This presentation gives an insight into the nature of suffering and what it means for patients, especially
Health and Meditation Retreat Podcasts Available
Podcasts from a recent Health and Meditation Retreat led by Laurence Freeman OSB with Dr Barry White, are now available.
Healing Silence retreat: recordings are available
All the lectures from Healing Silence — a meditation retreat with healing at its core — are now available online

Contemplative Medicine with Dr Peter Smith
Contemplative Medicine with Dr. Peter J. Smith (Dean-UNSW Medical School and President-Medical Deans of AUS and NZ) at Georgetown University.

Contemplative Care Conference 2019: Healthcare and Meditation
The WCCM’s 2019 Contemplative Care Conference took place from 17 through 18 January, at Clinical Education Centre Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.

Contemplative Care Conference 2019: Healthcare and Meditation
The WCCM’s 2019 Contemplative Care Conference took place from 17 through 18 January, at Clinical Education Centre Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand.
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