
Six Week Introduction to Meditation

Introduction to Meditation Course

This  introductory course is a step by step guide into the practice and purpose of Christian Meditation. The practice will lead you into fuller self-knowledge and self-acceptance. It is therefore a deeply personal experience. Which brings benefits and spiritual fruits. One of these fruits is understanding that we practice meditation not in isolation but in a field of spiritual friendship. This is why WCCM is a community.

Community is one the fruits of meditation that helps us to keep going when we get discouraged. It is a rich context providing immense spiritual resources from the Christian contemplative tradition and our dialogue with other faiths and fields of human knowledge.  

This course runs on a weekly basis and maybe followed singly or in a group. It provides all the necessary reading and other material each week. Each session has a welcome, a talk, a meditation period and time for questions and discussion.

How to Facilitate the Course

If you would like to facilitate this course for a group wishing to learn about meditation or to refresh their practice, your national coordinator can advise and support you. You will need to use the accompanying Course Book for presenters. 

Buy the Book

Downloads, Audios, and Presentaitons

Introduction and Overview

Week 1: What is Christian meditation?

Week 2: John Main

Week 3: The Roots of our Tradition

Week 4: The Wheel of Prayer

Week 5: Leaving Self Behind

Week 6: The Fruits of Meditation


Supplementary Material

John Main’s Journey

The Roots of Christian Meditation

The Practice of Christian Meditation

Introduction to Christian Meditation by Kim Nataraja (presentation)

Resources for Purchase

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