In August 2017 a group of 20 young Christian contemplatives from different forms of life – practitioners, teachers, scholars – spent four days in prayer, discussion and celebration at Snowmass Monastery, Colorado. They came from four leading contemplative networks working today to strengthen the contemplative dimension at the centre of Christian life: Contemplative Outreach, The World Community for Christian Meditation, the Centre for Action and Contemplation and the Shalem Institute.
The ‘founders’ of these networks were also present. They had invited a new generation of contemplative leaders to meet and discover something new. Thomas Keating, Laurence Freeman, Richard Rohr and Tilden Edwards also met together daily while their younger colleagues were expanding the common vision.
Contemplative Exchange 2017
In August 2017 a group of 20 young Christian contemplatives from different forms of life - practitioners, teachers, scholars - spent four days in prayer, discussion and celebration at Snowmass Monastery, Colorado.