
2011 Meetings of National Coordinators

In 2011, the 20th anniversary of the community, a series of global-regional meetings of National Coordinators will take place.

The meetings give the opportunity for coordinators and their leadership teams to share their work in the community, initiatives and challenges, discuss translations and other aspects of the Community's life such as meditation with children, inter-faith dialogue, bringing meditation to the poor and marginalised.

The National Co-ordinators' meetings are scheduled:

In 2011, the 20th anniversary of the community, a series of global-regional meetings of National Coordinators will take place.

The meetings give the opportunity for coordinators and their leadership teams to share their work in the community, initiatives and challenges, discuss translations and other aspects of the Community's life such as meditation with children, inter-faith dialogue, bringing meditation to the poor and marginalised.

The National Co-ordinators' meetings are scheduled:

In 2011, the 20th anniversary of the community, a series of global-regional meetings of National Coordinators will take place.

The meetings give the opportunity for coordinators and their leadership teams to share their work in the community, initiatives and challenges, discuss translations and other aspects of the Community's life such as meditation with children, inter-faith dialogue, bringing meditation to the poor and marginalised.

The National Co-ordinators' meetings are scheduled:

  • March 11-13, N.Europe meeting London; 
  • April 1-3 Central and S Europe meeting Geneva
  • May 15-16 Latin American Meeting, Caracas 
  • October 14-16 East European Meeting, Poland 
  • October 28-30 N and Central America and Caribbean Meeting,Jacksonville Florida
  • November Latin American Meeting, Brazil

For further information on Christian Meditation in your country or region visit the world map and click for a link to your national coordinator, or contact the International Office in London which supports meditators in countries that do not yet have a national community: 

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