
Fully Human  
Holy Week Retreat (Online)

Laurence Freeman


Laurence Freeman

Laurence Freeman is a monk of the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Oliveto. He is the Director of Bonnevaux and of The World Community for Christian Meditation.

Participate in this year’s Holy Week cycle from the Palm Sunday procession to Easter morning


Apr 14 - 20 2025



Conducted via Zoom or live-stream.

The deeper mysteries of human experience can be discovered by sharing with others in a combination – sacred and playful – of ritual and storytelling. We invite you to participate online in this year’s Holy Week cycle which extends  from the Palm Sunday procession to witnessing sunrise on Easter morning.

We take a further step each day into the life of the story of the last days of Jesus and his transformation of death and failure into resurrection and fullness of life. We follow the moving details of the timeless narrative while remaining rooted in the now by sharing in the daily life, prayer. Taking the time for this journey into the sacredness of your life will open new vistas of faith by discovering the familiar in strikingly fresh ways.

How to Create Your Own Retreat

This online retreat is designed to be flexible around your daily life and time zone. Please visit here where we provide support on creating a rhythm and structure to your retreat: how much silence you would like, meditation times, reading of sacred texts, practicing yoga and more, plus other suggestions to help you embody the retreat and stay off-line as much as possible.

  • Schedule

Palm Sunday, 13 April – Procession and Eucharist
11:30Join Live Here
Online Holy Week Retreat starts Monday to Wednesday, 14 – 16 April
12:15 – 13:00Midday prayer and meditation
15:30 – 16:30Talk by Laurence Freeman
17:00 – 17:45Satsang
Holy Thursday, 17 April
11:00 – 12:00Talk by Laurence Freeman
12:15 – 13:00Midday prayer and meditation
Good Friday, 18 April Uploaded Content Only
10:30 – 11:30Way of the Cross (Content will be uploaded later in the day)
15:00 – 16:00Veneration of the Cross (Content will be uploaded later in the day)
Holy Saturday, 19 April Day spent in silence and solitude
21:30Lighting of the Easter Fire and Easter Vigil, Join Live Here
Easter Sunday, 20 April
TBAResurrection Sunrise gathering (Content will be uploaded later in the day)
12:00Easter Sunday Eucharist, Join Live Here
Laurence Freeman


Laurence Freeman

Laurence Freeman is a monk of the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Oliveto. He is the Director of Bonnevaux and of The World Community for Christian Meditation.

  • Contribution

This event is held online. Registrations give 1 year access to recordings.

Contribution is £50 (concession price £40).

The prices reflect the need to achieve self sufficiency.
Therefore if you’re able to give a little more we would be very grateful.
Please, click here to donate.

We do not turn anybody away for lack of resource.
Please, click the email address <> to contact us if you need further financial assistance to join this event.

This event is held online. Registrations give 1 year access to recordings.

Contribution is £25 (concession price £20).

The prices reflect the need to achieve self sufficiency.
Therefore if you’re able to give a little more we would be very grateful.
Please, click here to donate.

We do not turn anybody away for lack of resource.
Please, click the email address <> to contact us if you need further financial assistance to join this event.

Image by Mohamed_hassan from Pixabay

Laurence Freeman


Laurence Freeman

Laurence Freeman is a monk of the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Oliveto. He is the Director of Bonnevaux and of The World Community for Christian Meditation.

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