The 28th John Main Seminar was hosted by WCCM Ireland in Cork, led Timothy Radcliffe OP former Master of the Dominican Order.
Featured Talks
- Seminar Overview: Timothy Radcliffe
- Alive in Christ: Timothy Radcliffe
- Meditation with Children: Ernie Christie
- Meditation and the 11th Step: Terry Doyle
- Attention to the Body: Terry Doyle
- Young Meditators Part 1: Laurence Freeman
- Young Meditators Part 2: Laurence Freeman
- Young Meditators Part 3: Laurence Freeman
- Interview with Fred and Magda Jass: Fred & Magda Jass
- Abbot Patrick Hederman: Abbot Patrick Hederman
- Oblations: Rwena O’Sullivan
- Irish Music
- Prayer for Peace: Charles Ma