Hi, I’m Ruth Jackson, and I’m from England. I’m going to speak briefly about my experience of being on the WCCM Academy.
I’m finding it an extraordinarily rich and beautiful experience. I had reached a point of my faith which had become rather dry. I’d become uncomfortable with some of the Christian doctrines and I was finding that the Church was politics were sometimes sort of getting in the way of deepening my faith.Â

The learning is enhanced by many talks and discussions and with many brilliant minds. And it’s not just the speakers who lead each course, but actually everyone that is part of this Academy community. We’re all from different walks of life, different faith experiences, nationalities, ages, and that really enriches the experience. Over the two years, we cover many different topics, including work, politics, ecology, writings of great mystics and also other faiths. And this has really helped to integrate the contemplative way into everyday lives, you know, the lives we actually are living. And indirectly, this also affects those that we that we encounter in our lives.Â
Studying with the Academy is a commitment, but it’s one that’s totally doable in ordinary life. I’ve navigated the last two years with working as well and also raising my teenage children. And it’s just been such a positive and extraordinary, experience that has really just benefited ume so much. And I really would recommend it to anybody who is seeking, who is looking and finding and exploring the contemplative way.
About Academy
The Academy offers a programme of inter-disciplinary study in the context of contemplative practice. It is grounded in the Christian contemplative tradition, particularly as passed on through John Main and Laurence Freeman and the worldwide body of teachers of the WCCM. It is inspired by meditation as a universal and unifying source of wisdom and it believes this wisdom can be enacted and applied across all of human life-experience and society.Â
The second cohort beginning March 2025  is more suitable for those from the Australia and Asia time zones, when classes will be in the evening / late afternoon. If you are from Europe or Africa you must expect classes to start in the morning or around noon.Classes are recorded and may be viewed later but we expect active participation in online meetings.