
Annual Programme

Online Events are organised by WCCM, and On-the-Ground Events are organised by l’Association Abbaye de Bonnevaux – Centre pour le Paix (ABP).

  • Online Series

No More Special Pleading

Openness to LGBT people and their issues is basic to Christianity.

The Risk of Living Together

Increasingly, people in affluent societies are choosing to live alone. Traditional ways of forming relationships especially those demanding personal commitment have been damaged by ‘progress’. Technically we may advance but are we humanly regressing?

Learning to Meditate in Lent

Four weekly online sessions to start the journey of meditation with Laurence Freeman

Women Mystics:
Guides in the Life of Prayer

Dr. Jane Williams together with well-known practitioners of prayer and theology will lead a six-talk series on their favourite women mystics.

Beholding Divine Beauty

In 2024 the theme for our online series will explore Beauty, Goodness and the Act of Creation in all senses, including art, theology and social justice.

Into the Mystics

Bernard McGinn, the most preeminent scholar of mysticism in the Western Christian tradition, will lead a 10 talk series on his favourite mystics and why he believes they still speak to us today.

The Future of Wisdom and Intelligence

A Series of 4 Round Table Discussions on Thursday Evenings
In Partnership with the Scientific and Medical Network

Feeling the Way

Continuing the Journey of Meditation- A Four Week Course online with Laurence Freeman.

Contemporary Anxiety

A contemplative response to three of the big issues facing us in the 21st century.

Save the Date: John Main Seminar and Pre-Seminar Retreat at Bonnevaux

This year, the Seminar will be held at Bonnevaux and led by Herman Van Rompuy and Laurence Freeman. The Seminar will be preceded by a 3-day preparatory retreat.

Seeing What St. Paul Saw

St Paul is usually misunderstood. Understandably, because he was an intense personality, a volcano of vision and passion. But failing to see what he is teaching is to miss out on one of the great sources of wisdom.

Future of Intelligence

In this series of round table dialogues, we will explore integral intelligence: the several balanced and unified forms of intelligence that humanity is gifted with. Speakers in the series will draw on left and right hemisphere styles of attention and investigate the unique nature of spiritual intelligence, the risks of AI, and finally that art of socio-political intelligence.

Save The Date

Events for WCCM and Bonnevaux in 2023

  • Individual Events
January 2025

Deep Silent Retreat

For those who are already practicing meditation this retreat offers a unique opportunity to join with other practitioners and go to a deeper and simpler place - together in solitude into the ‘great silence’. ...
Liz Watson
25 Jan, 2025 - 02 Feb, 2025
Bonnevaux - On the Ground
February 2025
March 2025

The Academy Retreat

This event is for members of the 2-year course of inter-disciplinary study in the context of contemplative practice grounded in the Christian contemplative tradition ...
Vladimir Volrab
18 - 25 Mar, 2025
Bonnevaux - On the Ground
April 2025
May 2025
June 2025
July 2025
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