
Introducing Beholding Divine Beauty

Laurence Freeman invites us to Beholding Divine Beauty - And God Saw That It Was Very Good, the WCCM Theme for 2024

“And God saw all he had made and indeed, it was very good.”

Each year, for a number of years, the WCCM guiding board in consultation with our national communities has chosen a theme for the whole year to unite the community in a time of reflection and stimulating new perspectives on our place in the world today and where the world is going.

During COVID, we chose the theme of Health. In the following year, we explored what Unified Consciousness means. And this year, we’re still exploring the meaning of Metanoia. How do we change our minds? Not just our ideas, plenty of ideas around, but how do we change the way we see? 

And this has led us very naturally into the theme for 2024 Beholding Divine Beauty.

It arises from that verse in the book of Genesis, just after God has finished the work of creation, he looks at everything that has been created in the heavens, on the earth, in the seas and in humanity and he says that is really beautiful. What He says is: and God saw that it was very good

We felt that this theme would be very powerful and helpful in developing or redeveloping and rediscovering the sources of hope and wisdom in our world today. As we face the challenges which are often deeply depressing and we see very many ugly things and bad things happening every day on the news. 


This theme reminds us that at the heart of it all there is divine goodness, divine beauty and that this is what connects us to the meaning of our lives and of the world we're living in.
Laurence Freeman
Laurence Freeman
WCCM Director

And it also helps us to see how we are united with each other across all the differences of beliefs, traditions and cultures.

So we’ve chosen 10 remarkable contemplatively minded speakers, speaking from their personal experience in the fields in which they work and they developed expertise and they’ll be speaking from this variety of perspectives so that… we journey with them during this year, we ourselves will experience an expansion of awareness and of hope.
Laurence Freeman
Laurence Freeman
WCCM Director

We’ll be able to see through their eyes and then be enriched by the comparison and the contrast with other perspectives. In each of these monthly series, there will be an opportunity to engage in conversation with the speakers and there will be discussion groups in-between the different speakers in the series.

So I’m looking forward to it very much and I would encourage you and invite you to participate in this because the more people we can have who are engaged in this deep reflection and celebration of the divine beauty in the world, the more we may be able to restore that beauty to creation and to the ways in which human beings live and can love each other again.

Curious to know more?

Learn more about WCCM 2024 series Beholding Divine Beauty – And God Saw That It Was Very Good and about the contemplatively-minded speakers involved here

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