Dear Friends,
As I landed in Canada, I learned the sad news that Charles Posnett died peacefully yesterday. His wife Gilly and his sons will mourn him deeply, as will I, as a faithful friend over many years.Indeed, all our community will feel his loss. He has served the WCCM in many ways – as an oblate, group leader, member of the Guiding Board, Trustee, and in his great love of bringing meditation to children. Above all, we felt his deep roots in his daily practice and his unfailing kindness, generosity and good humour. He loved and served the mission of Bonnevaux and on his last visit with Gilly I would see them from my window walking in the grounds together and felt how deeply they both were part of the whole community and how much they cared for it as their spiritual home.Â
On the pilgrimage to the Holy Land in 2019 Charles had some health issues that prevented him from participating in all the schedule as he would have liked. But his positive spirit and good humour were a gift to the other pilgrims when we returned each day. I never heard him complain negatively or speak uncharitably of anyone.He was a man of service to others who genuinely cared and wanted to serve. I will miss his advice and selfless concern. His faith was strong and I think he is breathing deeply of God’s love and that he was greeted by Fr John and all he loved and that we will feel his presence still in that communion of saints.