
Welcome to WCCM+

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Today we are very happy to announce WCCM+, the WCCM video streaming platform with more than 300 hours of recordings of past talks, retreats, led meditations  and WCCM major past events.

On WCCM+ you will be able to revisit past recordings from historic John Main Seminars, like the Good Heart with his holiness the Dalai Lama, or more recent editions like Indigenous Wisdom in 2020 with Alex Zatyrka and other speakers from different traditions. You will have access to our recent Health series with Dr Barry White.

On WCCM+ you’ll be able to appreciate how meditation can bring new light to fields such as education, leadership, science and social political issues. New titles will be added every month.

Kim Nataraja, Sarah Bachelard, Bernard McGinn and many others… As the library grows, new titles and authors will be added every month.

WCCM+ screenshot

What is WCCM+?

WCCM+ is replacing the option of becoming a WCCM Supporting Member. The idea is to provide easier access to our recordings and at the same time give you the opportunity to support WCCM with a monthly subscription.

We hope that this new platform will enhance both your personal practice and our mission of extending the gift of meditation to the world.

Search by category & author

WCCM+ videos are grouped by 6 categories:

  • John Main Seminars
  • Meditatio Seminars
  • Levels of Consciousness & the Fruits of the Spirit
  • Monte Oliveto Retreats
  • Special Series
  • Other Retreats

You can run a search and filter by one of these categories and / or by author. See the short tutorial on how the new platform works.

How much does WCCM+ cost?

To mark the launch of WCCM+, we are offering a free seven-day trial, after which the monthly subscription will be £9.99. This special offer price will be available until 1st February 2023.

What if I am already a Supporting Member?

You will receive a special coupon giving you free unlimited access to WCCM+ content as long as you continue with your monthly contribution and no additional action is necessary. But, if you prefer, you can cancel your original recurring contribution and register directly at

Visit WCCM+

If you have any questions on WCCM+, please send them to us at

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