The Catholic University of America will host The Way of Fellowship meeting on 4 April. The Way of Peace Fellowship consists of over 60 young adults from both Catholic University of America and Georgetown University. At this meeting, they will have the chance to ask questions of an expert panel on spirituality among the millennial generation. A meditation, group discussions, and Dalai Lama and Laurence Freeman OSB videos will be a part of the seminar.Participants at the Panel: Fr Laurence Freeman OSB (Director of the WCCM), The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi (Director of the Dalai Lama Center at MIT); Rev. Jim Wiseman (Emeritus Professor at CUA and Abbot of St. Anselmâs Abbey); Dr. Bill Dinges (CUA Professor); and Dr. Leo Lefebure (Georgetown Professor).
The Way of Fellowship meeting in Washington DC
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