
Evening Talks

A Series of 4 Talks, Monday Evenings

Special Series

The diverse speakers in this series bring common gifts to share with us as we deal with the challenges of our lives and the uncertainties about the future. Wisdom, intelligence and especially a lively and deep contemplative perspective. They become guides and inspiration for the journey we must follow through the year.

05 Dec 2022

'Beauty and Christianity' - Robert Kiely

Robert has long been one of the most popular teachers at Harvard University because of the depth of his knowledge but also the liveliness and art of his own teaching gift that fully engages his audience. His session will be illustrated with paintings and music. Colour, skill and perspective allow the inner beauty to take form before our eyes.

Robert Kiely in class

Roberty Kiely, emeritus Professor of English and American Literature at Harvard University, has been part of the WCCM community for many years. His book Blessed and Beautiful (Yale 2010) offered a reflection on the lives of saints and the images painted by great artists through history. His own contemplative experience shines through this and his latest book Fair Jesus (Paraclete Press 2019) in which he walks through scenes of the Gospels, pausing with great painters to consider Jesus, how he looks, how he stands or sits, how he interacts with other figures and the viewer, and how his actions and teachings are interpreted and translated by artists.

Register for the Full Series

£ 60
  • Register for full series (get 4 talks for the price of 3)
  • All sessions are preceded by a group meditation (optional)
  • Time to interact with the speaker
  • Lifetime access to recordings (single sessions registrations give 1 year access)
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