
The power of love

11.21.2021. An excerpt from John Main OSB in WORD MADE FLESH (Norwich: Canterbury, 2009), pp. 13-14.
heart shaped baby and father

Meditation [requires] simplicity. As Jesus tells us, “Whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.” The kingdom of God . . . is the power of love established in our hearts. The marvel . . . is that each of us is called to realize that this power is really and presently in our heart. But to come to this realization we need to be simple. We must become like children . . . .and come to the understanding that we are good and have a capacity for goodness. It is a goodness that cannot be measured, only known in relation to the infinity of God and the boundless Spirit that lives in our heart. 


Once our spirit is opened to the Spirit of God, division is over. We do not have to play games anymore. We can act consistently from our deepest integrity. Nothing can divide our heart once we are open to the Spirit. We have only to learn generosity of heart to be wholly at the disposition of God in the utter openness of love, without demands or expectations of reward.

After meditation: “Did This Ever Happen to You” by Franz Wright in GOD’S SILENCE (New York: Knoph, 2006), p. 22. 

Did this ever happen to you

A marble-colored cloud

engulfed the sun and stalled,

a skinny squirrel limped toward me

as I crossed the empty park

and froze, the last

or next to last

fall leaf fell but before it touched the earth, with shocking clarity

I heard my mother’s voice

pronounce my name. And in an instant, I passed

beyond sorrow and terror, and was carried up

into the imageless

bright darkness

I came from


and am. Nobody’s

stronger than forgiveness.

Image by Andreas Wohlfahrt from Pexels

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