How to Meditate
An Online Course
With Laurence Freeman OSB
"Only in this moment can we be trustingly open to whatever comes next, the endlessly new."
This free course provides you with the basics of how to start your journey of meditation. In 3 short videos, Laurence Freeman, a Benedictine monk and Founding Director, gives an overview of what meditation is and how to practice it. Lesson 3 gives practical instructions on how to start.
What you will discover in this course:

Lesson 1
A Universal Wisdom
Meditation is a universal spiritual tradition. We find it in all the great religious traditions of the human family. Meditation goes back to the very earliest intuitions about what lies deeper than the senses and rational mind. Meditation takes us to the depth of our being, to our true self. It opens up the common ground that lies at the heart of our humanity and all traditions.
Here we draw on the wisdom of the Christian tradition and discover a simple form of meditation that was practised in the early Church. Christian meditation is open to all – from any tradition or none.

Lesson 2
Stillness, Silence and Simplicity
Meditation is a journey to the centre of our being, a journey of consciousness from the mind to the heart. By opening the door of our heart we enter into profound stillness, silence and simplicity. We encounter these qualities – stillness, silence and simplicity – from the very first time we sit down to meditate and as our journey deepens we discover the profounder dimension of these qualities.

Lesson 3
How to Meditate
Christian Meditation is a simple way where we silently and interiorly say a prayer word or mantra. The word we recommend is a sacred Christian word Maranatha. It is in Aramaic the language Jesus spoke and means Come Lord. You can choose a different word or a short phrase that resonates with you.
What’s Included with the Course:

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How to Meditate
An Online Course with Laurence Freeman OSB
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About Laurence Freeman OSB
Laurence Freeman is a Benedictine monk of the Monastery of Sta Maria di Pilastrello, Lendinara, in the Benedictine Congregation of Monte Oliveto and Director of The World Community for Christian Meditation. He is also Director of Bonnevaux, the International Centre of the World Community for Christian Meditation where he now resides. Fr LaurenceÂ