
Make Room for Me

2.20.2022. An excerpt from Laurence Freeman OSB from “Unity” in FIRST SIGHT: The Experience of Faith (London: Continuum, 2011), p. 130.
Dolphin with girl

Meditation begins and ends in faith. It expresses the unity of all in the spirit, as do indeed all sacred acts inspired by love or compassion. Meditation as we can testify creates community experienced in the deep silence of being together. What silence makes happen is the transformation of consciousness and the emergence of a catholic mind, because catholic knows no boundaries and seeks to integrate all. 

After Meditation: An excerpt from “Ghosts” by Mary Oliver in DEVOTIONS: The Selected Poems of Mary Oliver (New York: Penguin, 2017), p. 375.


Once only, and then in a dream,

I watched while, secretly

and with the tenderness of any caring woman,

a cow gave birth

to a red calf, tongued him dry and nursed him

in a warm corner

of the clear night

in the fragrant grass

in the wild domains

of the prairie spring, and I asked them,

in my dream I knelt down and asked them

to make room for me. 

Image by paulbr75 / 2240, Pixabay
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