
The John Main Seminar

John Main Seminar 2024​

8-13 July 2024, New Harmony (US) and online

The annual John Main Seminar 2024 will be led by Archbishop Jason Gordon from the Archdiocese of Trinidad & Tobago and will be held in New Harmony, Indiana, United States.  

More than thirty years after the WCCM was formed at the John Main Seminar led by Bede Griffiths, Jason Gordon comes to New Harmony to lead a contemporary reflection on where we as a community and as a human family have come. He will raise the question of how we can act hopefully in a collapsing civilisation with such hostile forces of de-humanisation. How can we understand contemplation in this social and spiritual crisis? But in facing these hard questions, he will invite us to consider the twin path of contemplation and synodality: a faith-filled, hopeful way to a better world and a fuller humanity.

In a world collapsing in on itself in a failure to listen and to open to others, the resounding wisdom of Isiah’s call to ‘widen your tent’ is like a beam of light. It summons us to open our hearts, our ears and our minds in all directions in an ever-widening spirit of universal welcome and solidarity.

Jason has been meditating since the early years of his priesthood and has long been teaching it in all parts of the church and society. He has also experienced the power of the synodal process at the grass-roots level in his spiritual leadership of the Archdiocese of Trinidad and Tobago and later at the global level in Rome. Synodality is simply the ancient wisdom of consultation, attentive conversation in what St Benedict calls ‘calling the members to council’. But as Jason will describe the active agent is deep listening which makes it a contemplative work and the leader of the process is the Spirit. Contemplative experience prepares us and informs such transformative communication and so they should be seen as two sides of one path to recovery.

As always meditation will shape the days of the week’s Seminar and there will be sessions too where the listening and mindful sharing of Synodality will be practised (and take the place of the usual silent retreat.)

The Most Reverend Jason Gordon was born and grew up in Trinidad. At an early age his father died and he successfully assumed the responsibility of the family business. In 1981 he entered Living Water Community, a lay ecclesial community in Trinidad, studied for the priesthood and completed aMaster’s in Theology at the University of Leuven, Belgium completing a Master’s in Theology (Magna cum Laude) and a BA in Philosophy. He was ordained in 1991 and completed his PhD at Heythrop, in the University of London where he first encountered the WCCM.

He received awards for his work with disadvantaged youth and as Bishop of Barbados started ‘The Hub: People helping People’, to assist people achieve sustainable livelihoods. He has work to achieve Judicial Reform and to speed up the delivery of justice. He is a member of Jubilee 2000, an international ecumenical consortium that seeks justice through debt forgiveness on behalf of the world’s most indebted nations. In 2017 He was appointed Archbishop of Trinidad and Tobago and is currently the President of the Antilles Episcopal Conference of Bishops. He has authored several books, is a patron of the WCCM and especially supports its mission throughout the Caribbean.

Bede Griffiths with Fr laurence at the John Main Seminar 1991 (Photo WCCM archives)

New Harmony, Indiana, is a significant place for WCCM because it was there that our Community was named during the John Main Seminar in 1991. These are some words from Fr Laurence:

Representatives from around the world met at New Harmony in September 1991 for the John Main Seminar led by Bede Griffiths who spoke on John Main’s vision of community (later published as The New Creation in Christ). It was the Pentecost of the WCCM. Fr Bede was a powerful support and loving friend in the years after Fr John’s death. He recognised in John Main the prophetic spirit that had earlier called him into a daring new venture when he replanted his roots in India. He said of Fr John: ‘in my experience (he) is the best spiritual guide in the church today’ because of how he was restoring meditation to the heart of Christian life while also building a bridge of mystical unity between faiths and cultures.

Featured image: Roofless Church photo:  Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.

What is the John Main Seminar?

The John Main Seminar has been an annual event since 1984. It was established to honour John Main’s memory and develop the influence of his teaching in new fields and dialogue with the modern world.

Presenters include the Dalai Lama, Bede Griffiths on John Main, Mary McAleese on Reconciliation of Conflict, Bernard McGinn on Christian Mysticism, Richard Rohr, Charles Taylor, Thomas Keating and Sarah Bachelard and multiple speaker events on The Crisis of Change and Indigenous Wisdom.

John Main Seminar 2023: New Wine, New Skins​

Led by Cynthia Bourgeault, Andrew Harvey and Laurence Freeman

During the most recent John Main Seminar, Cynthia Bourgeault, Andrew Harvey and Laurence Freeman have addressed the crisis of our time and the contemplative wisdom that offers the world hope to emerge into a higher level of consciousness. 

If you’re interested in watching the John Main Seminar 2023 New Wine, New Skins and the Pre-Seminar Why Practice Does not Make Perfect  you can subscribe to WCCM+, where we will upload recordings from the event shortly. WCCM+ is our community’s video streaming platform with recordings from past retreats, talks and led meditations. 

How did the John Main Seminar start?

The first seven Seminars were held at the former Benedictine Priory of Montreal, beginning the year after John Main’s death. They were relatively small-scale events and the presenters were all prominent members of the Community with high standing in their professional fields.


The 1991 Seminar was a transformative event for the WCCM, inded the birth of the organisational aspect of the ‘monastery without walls’. It was held in New Harmony, Indiana. The participants were representative of a growing global family. The presenter was Bede Griffiths, the pioneer of interfaith dialogue and friend of John Main who spoke on Main’s vision of community under the theme of The New Creation in Christ. Immediately after the Seminar he remained with the leadership of the Community and contributed to a three-day process out of which the WCCM’s organizational and structural constitution were established. 

His Holiness the Dalai Lama led the 1994 Seminar, The Good Heart: A Buddhist Perspective on the Teaching of Jesus. The resulting book, of the same title, containing his commentaries on the gospels and dialogues with Laurence Freeman and other Christian teachers became an international bestseller in many languages. His Holiness also headlined the roster of former John Main Seminar presenters at the new millennium Seminar held in Belfast, Northern Ireland. That event involved over 3000 participants making it the biggest single organizational seminar of the Community to date.

Other Seminar presenters include: Jean Vanier (France), Fr. William Johnston S.J.  (Japan), Laurence Freeman, OSB, Fr. Raimon  Panikkar (India), former President of Ireland Mary McAleese, Abbot Thomas Keating, Prof Huston Smith, Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams, Bishop Kallistos Ware, Sr. Joan Chittister, OSB, composer and singer Margaret Rizza, Robert Kennedy, SJ, James Alison, Timothy Radcliffe, OP, Philosopher and Theologian Leonardo Boff  & Frei Betto OFM (Brazil), Fr. Joseph Wong OSB Cam, Daniel Madigan, SJ, Professor David Tacey (Australia) and Alex Zatyrka SJ (Mexico).


Still Present: The Life and Legacy of John Main in 2007 marked the twenty-fifth anniversary of his death. It featured a panel of speakers including Charles Tayor and Sarah Bachelard. Fr. Laurence. Cardinal Walter Kaspar was the keynote speaker at the 2008 Seminar in Germany on Unity: Local and Global.


The Seminar talks are framed by four periods of meditation a day and a final contemplative Eucharist. The WCCM’s Annual General Meeting is an integral part of this annual event. A three-day silent retreat led by Fr. Laurence is linked to Seminar.

View talks from past seminars

  • Past Seminars

JMS 2022: The Challenge TO Democracy: The Challenge OF Democracy

The 2022 John Main Seminar was led by a rare kind of politician – respected and admired by all parts of the global spectrum – who has devoted his life to the democratic process: Herman Van Rompuy. He has gained a unique knowledge of the world, its cultures, virtues and vices. His life has also been a spiritual journey, grounded in faith and leading him to a daily practice of meditation and to sharing in the mission of our community.

Democracy is too important to leave just to politicians. However imperfectly, democracy more than any other kind of government creates the conditions allowing humanity to reach its full potential. We all have to transcend personal interests in order to live in a democratic society and accept responsibility for our own freedom and future. It is also part of our spirituality because democracy is an ongoing conversation that demands truth, other-centredness and serves justice.

Herman van Rompuy is a Belgian politician who served as Prime Minister of Belgium and later as the first permanent President of the European Council, 2009 to 2014. Acknowledged as an international statesman of personal stature and wisdom, he also contributes to his fellow meditators in the WCCM. Because of his lifelong expertise in this form of poetry, he has been nicknamed Haiku Herman and this year was appointed by the Japanese government to the rank of Grand Haiku Master.

The talks themselves and the responses from an international group of young meditators explored:

1. Democracy, values and meditation

2. Global rivals: the Cold War between Democracy and Despotism

3. Defending and supporting democracy in times of rising populism

4. Government of the People by the People for the People: what changes are needed?

JMS 1994: The Good Heart

The 11th annual John Main Seminar took place in London, UK, and welcomed The Dalai Lama as the featured speaker.

  • Past Seminars

John Main Seminar 2013

Fr. Joseph Wong OSB Cam was the speaker in the John Main Seminar 2013 with the theme Desert Wisdom & Oriental Spirituality: Inner Silence.

JMS 2011: Alive in Christ

The 28th John Main Seminar was hosted by WCCM Ireland in Cork, led Timothy Radcliffe OP former Master of the Dominican Order.

JMS 2003: Panel on Bede Griffiths

The 20th annual John Main Seminar took place in Reading, UK, and welcomed Andrew Harvey, Shirley Du Boulay, Bruno Barnhardt OSB Camspeakers as the featured speakers.

JMS 2001: Spirit in the Desert

The 18th annual John Main Seminar took place in Sydney, Australia, and welcomed Archbishop Rowan Williams as the featured speaker.

JMS 2000: The Way of Peace

The 17th annual John Main Seminar took place in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and welcomed The Dalai Lama & Previous Presenters as the featured speakers.

JMS 1998: Heart of the World

The 15th annual John Main Seminar took place in San Francisco, USA, and welcomed Thomas Keating as the featured speaker.

JMS 1997: Reconciled Being

The 14th annual John Main Seminar took place in Dublin, Ireland, and welcomed Mary McAleese as the featured speaker.

JMS 1995: On Jesus

The 12th annual John Main Seminar took place in San Diego, USA, and welcomed Laurence Freeman OSB as the featured speaker.

John Main Seminar 2013

Fr. Joseph Wong OSB Cam was the speaker in the John Main Seminar 2013 with the theme Desert Wisdom & Oriental Spirituality: Inner Silence.

JMS 2011: Alive in Christ

The 28th John Main Seminar was hosted by WCCM Ireland in Cork, led Timothy Radcliffe OP former Master of the Dominican Order.

JMS 2003: Panel on Bede Griffiths

The 20th annual John Main Seminar took place in Reading, UK, and welcomed Andrew Harvey, Shirley Du Boulay, Bruno Barnhardt OSB Camspeakers as the featured speakers.

JMS 2001: Spirit in the Desert

The 18th annual John Main Seminar took place in Sydney, Australia, and welcomed Archbishop Rowan Williams as the featured speaker.

JMS 2000: The Way of Peace

The 17th annual John Main Seminar took place in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and welcomed The Dalai Lama & Previous Presenters as the featured speakers.

JMS 1998: Heart of the World

The 15th annual John Main Seminar took place in San Francisco, USA, and welcomed Thomas Keating as the featured speaker.

JMS 1997: Reconciled Being

The 14th annual John Main Seminar took place in Dublin, Ireland, and welcomed Mary McAleese as the featured speaker.

JMS 1995: On Jesus

The 12th annual John Main Seminar took place in San Diego, USA, and welcomed Laurence Freeman OSB as the featured speaker.

JMS 1994: The Good Heart

The 11th annual John Main Seminar took place in London, UK, and welcomed The Dalai Lama as the featured speaker.

John Main Seminar 2013

Fr. Joseph Wong OSB Cam was the speaker in the John Main Seminar 2013 with the theme Desert Wisdom & Oriental Spirituality: Inner Silence.

JMS 2011: Alive in Christ

The 28th John Main Seminar was hosted by WCCM Ireland in Cork, led Timothy Radcliffe OP former Master of the Dominican Order.

JMS 2003: Panel on Bede Griffiths

The 20th annual John Main Seminar took place in Reading, UK, and welcomed Andrew Harvey, Shirley Du Boulay, Bruno Barnhardt OSB Camspeakers as the featured speakers.

JMS 2001: Spirit in the Desert

The 18th annual John Main Seminar took place in Sydney, Australia, and welcomed Archbishop Rowan Williams as the featured speaker.

JMS 2000: The Way of Peace

The 17th annual John Main Seminar took place in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and welcomed The Dalai Lama & Previous Presenters as the featured speakers.

JMS 1998: Heart of the World

The 15th annual John Main Seminar took place in San Francisco, USA, and welcomed Thomas Keating as the featured speaker.

JMS 1997: Reconciled Being

The 14th annual John Main Seminar took place in Dublin, Ireland, and welcomed Mary McAleese as the featured speaker.

JMS 1995: On Jesus

The 12th annual John Main Seminar took place in San Diego, USA, and welcomed Laurence Freeman OSB as the featured speaker.

JMS 1994: The Good Heart

The 11th annual John Main Seminar took place in London, UK, and welcomed The Dalai Lama as the featured speaker.

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